BBS Toolkit
BBS Toolkit.iso
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Here is the latest update for the Maple code, as of 08/31/92
File can be Freq'd as Mapl0831.ZIP or RBBS-MPL.ZIP both are the same !
NEW BBS phone number for the Maple is 414-628-1784 for those of you who do
NOT run Netmail and haven't got the NEW number ******
!!! To BE applied to STOCK RBBS 17.4 code with NO FIXES !!!
FYI my STOCK *.BAS file dates are 06/20/92
Maple code now uses MRG file for RCHAT300 and ANSIed. You will have to obtain
this code on your own. I am NOT allowed to distribute Modified versions
only MRG files.
ALIAS code IS included with the Maple code. Although Gregg Snyder has NOT
Given permission to distribute modified code, after reading through the
readme file in the DSG-MODS.ZIP file I have, nothing is mentioned about
Copywrites and distributing modified code, I do NOT wish to "STEAL" any credit
due to him for this code and with the changes I made to enable the STUB (STB)
files to be used I find it impossible to distribute a MRG file for this secton
of code. again all credit goes to Gregg Snyder for the Alias mod and
if you feel what I am doing is wrong please stop now and delete the Maple mods
and be happy with STOCK code.
CHANGES: since Mapl0705.ZIP (or RBBS-MPL.ZIP)
have moved some more code around to get it to work with Qb45, have successfully
compiled it on my system using Qb3.0 Qb45 and Pds7.1 all versions seem to run
pretty stable but highly recommend using Pds 7.1
Added security level for the Read all new mail prompt, if a users security is
NOT high enouhg to read any messages the prompt will not be displayed
Also added sec level to the BankTime routines, if a users security level is
NOT high enough to use the C)lock command the BankTime can also NOT be accessed
corrected problems with ANSIED and Non ANSI users
Ansied now support Xpert mode and Novice mode
SmartTxt problems fixed
added DANS lates ANSICHAT
0712 changes
corrected some bugs when SHELLING to Doors, Returning user is no
longer treated as if first logging on system
add 2 new parameters to the DRST?.DEF file, ZCBAUD and ZBPS ae now written
to the DRST?.DEF file and read on return for a door (this only applies
to DOORs that are DOORed to)
added Ken Gossens 0704 Fixes to code
Added SmartText to Pui's Per Scott McNay
SM091926 Allow multi-line PUI prompts. If using this mod, the PUI
files MUST be modified so that the prompts have quotes around them.
SM091927 Allow SmartText in prompts. Any menu prompt that the SysOp
can redefine can now have SmartText in it.
Added Dan's COLR mods, did Modify them slightly (this seems to be a habit
I can't shake)
Quoted from Dan's Docs:
This mod was originally inspired by Richie Molinelli, who distributed
"COLR173C.ZIP". Richie's mod allowed for 4 extra smart text colors.
This mod allows for 11 extra colors and is nearly the same. The big
difference is the smart text sub - I ran out of line number lables, so
you will see a lot of IF statements to handle to smart text colors instead
of different line number lables.
The actual lines for the mod are commented as "DD061303/COLR"
Added DD061303 to areas I modified (Pete Eibl)
-no intent on 'stealing code' from Richie - this is just the way I mod My
version of RBBS to keep track of what's happening and update my version
of RBBS with all my mods.
-this is an unofficial mod by me - when RBBS 17.4 becomes public, then I will
make a COLR174x distribution package, but until then, this mod is a floater.
Added Colors are:
Foreground Background
{C5 - Bright Blue Black
{C6 - Bright Magenta Black * this color is a default on RBBS, but not on
{C7 - Yellow Blue
{C8 - Yellow Green
{C9 - Yellow Red
{CA - Yellow Magenta
{CB - White Blue
{CC - White Green
{CD - White Red
{CE - White Magenta
{CF - Bright Cyan Blue
NOTE: Always add {C0 to the end of lines that have non-black backgrounds!
Dan Drinnon
The Cellar Door
505-763-1795 9600 v32
corrected bug in Compressed File extension searches, everthing should
work fine now when searching for any Compressed file extension listed in
Added Eddie Rowe's DOORSYS mod so RBBS will also create the DOOR.SYS file
If you do NOT wish to use the DOORSys mod just Substitute the RBBSSUB6.STB
file in place of the RBBSSUB6.BAS file
Eddie's DOORSys Docs below
DOOR.SYS is rapidly becoming a UNIFORM standard for ALL BBSs. RBBS-PC
needs to support this standard, hence this modification.
Dan Drinnon did some original merges, but I was not aware of them when I
first took a stab at it. We've shared notes and as of this date these
are the most accurate - the creator of DOOR.SYS says that if the BBS is
not capable of supporting the field that we should not use bogus info
which is what Dan did. (PLEASE DO NOT read anything into this....my goal
is to get this done right!)
Dan is working on having RBBS read back in DOOR.SYS values after a shell
as other packages do. (Not every field is reread....just the important ones.)
I look forward to when he gets this finished up as we can then brow beat
RBBS utility authors to use it like! 8-)
If you have any problems PLEASE LET ME KNOW! I am running DOOR.SYS on about
half of my doors and could NOT imagine playing some without it.
STEPS to implement DOOR.SYS:
1. If you run Multinode and toss everything for the different nodes into
one monster subdirectory...BEWARE! This merge will put the DOOR.SYS in
whatever subdirectory you use for that node's work files - I *think* as I
only run one node. There is no such thing as DOOR1.SYS, DOOR2.SYS, etc.
The node information is in the DOOR.SYS itself so you may need to work
magic on your setup PRIOR to putting DOOR.SYS into action for your doors.
3. Add the RBBSSUB6.BAS to whatever batch file you use to create a new copy
or RBBS or RBBSSUB6.STB if you do NOT wish to use this feature
4. Add the RBBSSUB6 to your .DAT file used for linking when you create a new
copy of RBBS
If you would like to contact me, fell free. I hang out in the MAPLE echo
of course and can be found at 1:19/124@fidonet.org and 8:975/6.
Eddie Rowe
Retooling RBBS-PC...
0601 changes
Ken G is still running the 0422 code so it may be that we will see
a Stock release comming pretty soon !!
Added the SmartText support in a message header again, for those of you
who liked the idea Message can be addresed to {FN {LN also retained the
message to NEWUSER added in 0511 code... Also SmatText IS supported in the
Message Text incase you missed this one ( I forgot to mention it)
it WILL NOT work in an OFFLINE message reader.
Fixed bug with Sysop Page not beeping and displaying Dots....
Fixed problem with ZIP files being Searched for twice on a download
Fixed K)ill prompt beibg displayed to ALL users even though the message
could NOT be killed
Fixed Spelling/Grammer error in CheckRatio Sub (Eddie Rowe)
Added Baud Rate in R)eview User Preferences and Sysops Pg Up display
!!!! Changes to CONFIG !!!!
Parameter 60 is now used to add the Users name in the FMS dir on an Upload
Default is NOT to add the users name if Parameter 60 is set to any number
greater the 0 Users name will be written to the Fms dir
Config will display <NONE> for 0 and the names of the VOICE card if you have it
set to 1 or 2 Voice card support has been removed from the Maple code and
decided to use this parameter for the FMS stuff...CONFIG from STOCK 17.4 will
still work with the Maple and Maple Config will still work with Stock 17.4
althoug the "TEXT" has been slightly modified.
Changed the Location of the NOTHANX.DEF file this file now goes were
all the DIR files go (FMS stuff).... Thanks to Eddie Rowe for the suggestion
X2ZIP?.LST (? = Node Number) also goes in the "DIR" subdir
Here is An example of the X2Zip1.LST file I use
NO ' If YES will ask ALL users if they want to Convert the files
' Don't Convert files with NO extension
.GIF ' Don't touch GIF files
.EXE 'Leave EXE alone also
.SDS 'Don't Convert SDS files
be sure to have the "." in extensions you do NOT want converted
If the File is NOT found ALL files will be Converted IF a CXXXYYY.BAT
files exists. If you are using the T???.BAT files this routine and the
Convet routiens are skipped... you can only use the Txxx.BAT files
or the Cxxxyyy.bat files Both will NOT work even in Stock RBBS
(PS haven't figured out a way to convert files with NO extensions
without Hard coding the stuff)
any extension found in the X2Zip?.LST file will overide the Convert Routiens
but NOT the Test routines
NOTHANX.MSG is to be put in the Subdir were the HELP files go
added some error checking in the TSTAT routines....
have again include the AUTOOFF.MNU and LOGOFF.MNU files for those
who do NOT update to Maple code evertime I release a new MRG
Also include are the RCHAT300 and ANSIed.BAS/STB files for the same reason
I think thats it for this release...Holler if any bugs are found or if
I forgot to mention something and you discover it....
< 0511 changes >
rearranged code so it will run under Qb45
Message can now tbe left to NEWUSER and when a newuser logs on the BBS
they will be notified of mailwaiting can be privet or public,
problem were NEWUSER can kill the mail has been fixed....the user will get
K)ill prompt but no action will be taken....this is only half the fix, should
have it corrected by the next release
Smart text has been removed from the message header....as in 0501-mpl
and replace by the msg to NEWUSER
Fixes have been added from Stock RBBS 17.4 dated 0422
incase you want the files it is available as 0422-mrg.zip
please do not distribute to anyone NOT in the MAPLE echo
have added Logoff menues to the AutoLogoff function and the G)oodby
have included 2 sample MNU files please places these in your RBBS HELP
subdir these files support SmartText so did NOT code it for Graphics versions
filenames are hardcoded as AUTOOFF.MNU and LOGOFF.MNU
thanks to Mike Otto (hope I spelled this right) for the ideas
Support has been added to create the DRST?.DEF file when Shelling to
a DOOR this corrects doors such as TQM that use the DRST file for
whatever reason and you decide to Shell instead of DOOR (liek I do)
HINT: Shroom doe NOT swap RBBS when Shelling to a BAT file so to
bypass this problem I have found that if you compile the BAT file
into a COM file (with one of the PD utils that du this) it works
great ^^ < i like it >
FileName is Now displayed on the transfer Stats mod when using the Xfer-?.DEF
files in your Protocols... there is one recommended change needed to your
RBBS?.BAT file just for insurance
add the line if Exists C:\RBBS\XFER-1.DEF DEL C:\RBBS\Xfer-1.DEF to your
BAT file tha calls RBBS here is a sample of my RBBS1.BAT file
If exist C:\C3\Xfer-1.def Del C:\c3\xfer-1.def
set node=1
if exist rbbs1f1.def del rbbs1f1.def
if exist rctty1.bat del rctty1.bat
shroom -p -s I:\ rbbs-pc.exe 1 rbbs1pc.def /%1 /%2 /%3 %4
if not exist rctty1.bat goto EXIT
rem if exist c:\c3\toss1.log goto SendMail
Goto Start
rem call c:\binkley1\smlscan.bat
cd \binkley1
this addition to the BAT file will prevent RBBS from crashing with
an illegal Function call in RBBSSUB5 if the Xfer-?.Def file is already
present for some unkown reason and the Stats routine poops out
Support has been added to search all extensions specified in config
if the deafult extension is not found this feature has been added to the
D)ownload command and the V)iew command
Have located a problem when running PUI'S and a user Stacks commands
on log in to the Main board. this problem has been reported by a few
Maple users and up until now have NOT been able to duplicate it
Problem: User Stacks commands on login eg FistName LastName Passwrd M R N S
rbbs would NOT load the Pui's and default to the regular menus
leaving the user with menus that do NOT match the commands availble
have corrected the part of the problem and PUI's are now loaded correctly
problem still reamains that staced commands are NOT executed properly
this also occures in STOCK RBBS 17.4 /0422 and have sent report to Ken since I
cannot locate the areas in Question...( and I call myself a programer!)
This usually does NOT occure if TurboLogin is active
EG FistName LastName Passwrd ! M R N S works ok
thats it for this release Enjoy and behave !!!!
Pete Eibl